
Nuendo 10
Nuendo 10

nuendo 10

  • New monitoring and metering section for better power management and better overview of the most frequently used functions.
  • Improved AAF filters now support better I / O for Pro Tools and Media Composer.
  • Visibility tracking management increases processing speed especially for large projects by providing dynamic display of tracks and audio groups in the project window.
  • Nuendo TrackVersions allows you to create, rename and manage parallel versions of the same music, plus many extra features that go far beyond regular playlists.
  • nuendo 10

    ADR Taker 2.0 introduces a major update of Nuendo’s ADR system with enhancements for voice and foley recording such as new playback / recording modes, automatic naming schemes and pre-recording buffers.

    nuendo 10

  • Professional bass management includes several routing and filter options included with the new Bass Manager plug-in.
  • Noise treatment automatically according to both industry standards such as EBU R128 and user-definable settings.
  • A new status line has been included to display the properties associated with your projects. Infoline events have been made larger allowing you to read easily on high resolution screens. Media Bay has been completely refurbished and become clearer to understand and use. It has a darker, more visible look, especially for longer sessions. Nuendo saw some new features and it had an overhauled interface by changing its appearance. Although it had a brief competition with Cubase in the early days and Nuendo is struggling to create its own identity but now it has is considered a very important post-production tool, especially after the release of version 3 Nuendo has been a leading card production tool for Steinberg since the 90s. Steinberg Nuendo 4 is a professional workstation and sound system for post production, with all the tools for arranging and recording music.

    Nuendo 10